Customized tours available
anytime of the year for groups of 6 or more.

Tango Tour Packages

Would you like to live in this luxurious Buenos Aires residence all by yourself for a week or two, to have a more private vacation than you would have if you participated in one of our Argentina tango packages? It's easy! You can come and stay at Becka's tango house a few days earlier than the tour date or stay a few days longer than the tour period. That way, you can stay more and enjoy the city and the friendly people of Buenos Aires for a longer period of time.

  • For those who particiapte in Becka's tours, every extra night of stay is $65.00 per person/per night.
  • For those who would like to stay at Becka Tango House on various dates, and are not participating in the tango tour, the cost of each night is $80.00 per night/per person.
  • For two people traveling as couples, $130.00 per night.
  • For students the cost is $40.00 per night/per person.
  • Becka Tango House can also be rented easily paying online with a visa or mc, as a whole to groups and tours of 10 people and more. We can add folding beds as needed. The cost for one week of stay at Becka Tango House, for groups of 10 or more is $500.00 per night/per group. Remember, it sleeps 10 people and more, so it will cost $50.00 or less per person/per night!
  • Becka tango house is also available for rent weekly for $2000.00 and monthly for $6500.00. Special discounts apply to some groups.
Where can you rent so much beauty, comfort and luxury in one setting and with such low prices?

Simply contact Becka @ 818-458-8000 or send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . You can also check our website at , for open weeks not booked by our Buenos Aires tango tours.


As soon as we receive your request and deposit, the week(s) will be put aside just for you.




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